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TEditor Class Reference

Implements a text editor. More...

#include <editors.h>

Inheritance diagram for TEditor::

TView TObject TStreamable TFileEditor TMemo List of all members.

Public Methods

 TEditor (const TRect &bounds, TScrollBar *aHScrollBar, TScrollBar *aVScrollBar, TIndicator *aIndicator, uint aBufSize)
virtual ~TEditor ()
virtual void shutDown ()
char bufChar (uint p)
uint bufPtr (uint p)
virtual void changeBounds (const TRect &bounds)
virtual void convertEvent (TEvent &event)
Boolean cursorVisible ()
void deleteSelect ()
virtual void doneBuffer ()
virtual void draw ()
virtual TPalettegetPalette () const
virtual void handleEvent (TEvent &event)
virtual void initBuffer ()
Boolean insertBuffer (char *p, uint offset, uint length, Boolean allowUndo, Boolean selectText)
virtual Boolean insertFrom (TEditor *editor)
Boolean insertText (const void *text, uint length, Boolean selectText)
void scrollTo (int x, int y)
Boolean search (const char *findStr, ushort opts)
virtual Boolean setBufSize (uint newSize)
void setCmdState (ushort command, Boolean enable)
void setSelect (uint newStart, uint newEnd, Boolean curStart)
virtual void setState (ushort aState, Boolean enable)
void trackCursor (Boolean center)
void undo ()
virtual void updateCommands ()
virtual Boolean valid (ushort command)
uint charPos (uint p, uint target)
uint charPtr (uint p, uint target)
Boolean clipCopy ()
void clipCut ()
void clipPaste ()
void deleteRange (uint startPtr, uint endPtr, Boolean delSelect)
void doUpdate ()
void doSearchReplace ()
void drawLines (int y, uint count, uint linePtr)
void formatLine (void *buff, uint linePtr, int x, ushort color)
void find ()
uint getMousePtr (TPoint m)
Boolean hasSelection ()
void hideSelect ()
Boolean isClipboard ()
uint lineEnd (uint p)
uint lineMove (uint p, int count)
uint lineStart (uint p)
void lock ()
void newLine ()
uint nextChar (uint p)
uint nextLine (uint p)
uint nextWord (uint p)
uint prevChar (uint p)
uint prevLine (uint p)
uint prevWord (uint p)
void replace ()
void setBufLen (uint length)
void setCurPtr (uint p, uchar selectMode)
void startSelect ()
void toggleInsMode ()
void unlock ()
void update (uchar aFlags)
void checkScrollBar (const TEvent &event, TScrollBar *p, int &d)

Static Public Methods

TStreamablebuild ()

Public Attributes

char* buffer
uint bufSize
uint bufLen
uint gapLen
uint selStart
uint selEnd
uint curPtr
TPoint curPos
TPoint delta
TPoint limit
int drawLine
uint drawPtr
uint delCount
uint insCount
Boolean isValid
Boolean canUndo
Boolean modified
Boolean selecting
Boolean overwrite
Boolean autoIndent
uchar lockCount
uchar updateFlags
int keyState

Static Public Attributes

TEditorDialog editorDialog
ushort editorFlags
char findStr [maxFindStrLen]
char replaceStr [maxReplaceStrLen]
TEditor* clipboard
const char* const name

Protected Methods

 TEditor (StreamableInit)
virtual void write (opstream &os)
virtual void* read (ipstream &is)

Detailed Description

This class implements a text editor.

TEditor is the base class for all editors. It implements most of the editor's functionality. If a TEditor object is created, it allocates a buffer of the given size out of the heap. The buffer is initially empty.

Definition at line 308 of file editors.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TEditor::TEditor ( const TRect & bounds,
TScrollBar * aHScrollBar,
TScrollBar * aVScrollBar,
TIndicator * aIndicator,
uint aBufSize )


Calls TView::TView(bounds) by creating a view with the given bounds. The hScrollBar, vScrollBar, indicator and bufSize data members are set from the given arguments.

See also:

The scroll bar and indicator arguments can be set to 0 if you do not want these objects. The following default values are set:

 Variable   Value                     Description

 canUndo    True                      TEditor::canUndo
 selecting  False                     TEditor::selecting
 overwrite  False                     TEditor::overwrite
 autoIndent False                     TEditor::autoIndent
 lockCount  0                         TEditor::lockCount
 keyState   0                         TEditor::keyState
 growMode   gfGrowHiX | gfGrowHiY     TView::growMode
 options    ofSelectable              TView::options
 eventMask  evMouseDown | evKeyDown |
            evCommand | evBroadcast   TView::eventMask

`aBufSize' is the buffer initial size; 0 is its common value. The buffer is allocated and cleared. If insufficient memory exists, the edOutOfMemory dialog box is displayed using editorDialog, and isValid data member is set False. Otherwise isValid is set True.

The data members associated with the editor buffer are initialized in the obvious way: bufLen to 0, gapLen to bufSize, selStart to 0, modified to False, and so on.

TEditor::~TEditor ( ) [virtual]


Destroys the editor and deletes the buffer.

TEditor::TEditor ( StreamableInit ) [protected]

Each streamable class needs a "builder" to allocate the correct memory for its objects together with the initialized virtual table pointers.

This is achieved by calling this constructor with an argument of type StreamableInit.

Member Function Documentation

char TEditor::bufChar ( uint p )

Returns the p'th character in the file, factoring in the gap.

uint TEditor::bufPtr ( uint p )

Returns the offset into buffer of the p'th character in the file, factoring in the gap.

TStreamable * TEditor::build ( ) [static]

Called to create an object in certain stream reading situations.

Reimplemented from TView.

Reimplemented in TMemo, and TFileEditor.

void TEditor::changeBounds ( const TRect & bounds ) [virtual]

Changes the views bounds, adjusting the delta value and redrawing the scrollbars and view if necessary.

Overridden to ensure the file stays within view if the parent size changes.

Reimplemented from TView.

uint TEditor::charPos ( uint p,
uint target )

Calculates and returns the actual cursor position by examining the characters in the buffer between `p' and `target'. Any tab codes encountered are counted as spaces modulo the tab setting.

See also:

uint TEditor::charPtr ( uint p,
uint target )

The reverse of charPos(). Calculates and returns the buffer position corresponding to a cursor position.

void TEditor::checkScrollBar ( const TEvent & event,
TScrollBar * p,
int & d )

Called by handleEvent() in response to a cmScrollBarChanged broadcast event. If the scroll bar's current value is different from `d', the scroll bar is redrawn.

Boolean TEditor::clipCopy ( )

Returns False if this editor has no active clipboard. Otherwise, copies the selected text from the editor to the clipboard using clipboard->insertFrom(this).

See also:

The selected text is deselected (highlight removed) and the view redrawn. Returns True if all goes well.

void TEditor::clipCut ( )

The same as for clipCopy(), but the selected text is deleted after being copied to the clipboard.

void TEditor::clipPaste ( )

The reverse of clipCopy(): the contents of the clipboard (if any) are copied to the current position of the editor using insertFrom(clipboard).

See also:

void TEditor::convertEvent ( TEvent & event ) [virtual]

Used by handleEvent() to provide basic editing operations by converting various key events to command events. You can change or extend these default key bindings by overriding the convertEvent() member function.

Boolean TEditor::cursorVisible ( )

Returns True if the cursor (insertion point) is visible within the view.

void TEditor::deleteRange ( uint startPtr,
uint endPtr,
Boolean delSelect )

If `delSelect' is True and a current selection exists, the current selection is deleted; otherwise, the range `startPtr' to `endPtr' is selected and deleted.

void TEditor::deleteSelect ( )

Deletes the selection if one exists. For example, after a successful clipCopy(), the selected block is deleted.

void TEditor::doSearchReplace ( )

Can be used in both find and find/replace operations, depending on the state of editorFlags data member bits and user-dialog box interactions.

If efDoReplace is not set, doSearchReplace() acts as a simple search for findStr data member, with no replacement. Otherwise, this function aims at replacing occurrences of findStr with replaceStr data member.

In all cases, if the target string is not found, an editorDialog(edSearchFailed) call is invoked.

See also:

If efPromptOnReplace is set in editorFlags, an edReplacePrompt dialog box appears. Replacement then depends on the user response. If efReplaceAll is set, replacement proceeds for all matching strings without prompting until a cmCancel command is detected.

void TEditor::doUpdate ( )

If updateFlags data member is 0, nothing happens. Otherwise, the view and its scrollbars are updated and redrawn depending on the state of the updateFlags bits.

For example, if ufView is set, the view is redrawn with drawView(). If the view is sfActive, the command set is updated with updateCommands().

See also:

After these updates, updateFlags is set to 0.

void TEditor::doneBuffer ( ) [virtual]

Deletes the buffer.

Reimplemented in TFileEditor.

void TEditor::draw ( ) [virtual]

Overrides TView::draw() to draw the editor.

Reimplemented from TView.

void TEditor::drawLines ( int y,
uint count,
uint linePtr )

Draws `count' copies of the line at `linePtr', starting at line position `y'.

void TEditor::find ( )

Finds occurrences of the existing findStr or a new user-supplied string. find() displays an editor dialog inviting the input of a find string or the acceptance of the existing findStr.

If a new find string is entered, it will replace the previous findStr (unless the user cancels). find() first creates a TFindDialogRec object defined as follows:

 struct TFindDialogRec
     TFindDialogRec(const char *str, ushort flgs)
         strcpy(find, str);
         options = flgs;
     char find[80];
     ushort options;

The constructor is called with `str' set to the current findStr, and `flgs' set to the current editorFlags.

The edFind editor dialog then invites change or acceptance of the findStr. Finally, doSearchReplace() is called for a simple find-no-replace (efDoReplace switched off).

void TEditor::formatLine ( void * buff,
uint linePtr,
int x,
ushort color )

Formats the line at `linePtr' in the given color and sets result in `buff'. Used by drawLines().

uint TEditor::getMousePtr ( TPoint m )

Returns the buffer character pointer corresponding to the point `m' on the screen.

TPalette & TEditor::getPalette ( ) const [virtual]

Returns the default TEditor palette. Override if you wish to change the palette of the editor.

Reimplemented from TView.

Reimplemented in TMemo.

void TEditor::handleEvent ( TEvent & event ) [virtual]

Provides the event handling for the editor. Override if you wish to extend the commands the editor handles.

The default handler calls TView::handleEvent(), then converts all relevant editing key events to command events by calling convertEvent().

Reimplemented from TView.

Reimplemented in TMemo, and TFileEditor.

Boolean TEditor::hasSelection ( )

Returns True if a selection has been made; that is, if selStart does not equal selEnd. If these two data members are equal, no selection exists, and False is returned.

void TEditor::hideSelect ( )

Sets selecting to False and hides the current selection with setSelect(curPtr, curPtr, False).

See also:
TEditor::curPtr , TEditor::setSelect

void TEditor::initBuffer ( ) [virtual]

Allocates a buffer of size bufSize and sets buffer to point at it.

Reimplemented in TFileEditor.

Boolean TEditor::insertBuffer ( char * p,
uint offset,
uint length,
Boolean allowUndo,
Boolean selectText )

This is the lowest-level text insertion member function. It inserts `length' bytes of text from the array `p' (starting at p[offset]) into the buffer (starting at the curPtr).

If `allowUndo' is set True, insertBuffer() records undo information. If `selectText' is set True, the inserted text will be selected. insertBuffer() returns True for a successful operation.

Failure invokes a suitable dialog box and returns False. insertBuffer() is used by insertFrom() and insertText(); you will seldom need to call it directly.

Boolean TEditor::insertFrom ( TEditor * editor ) [virtual]

Inserts the current block-marked selection from the argument `editor' into this editor. This member function implements clipCut(), clipCopy(), and clipPaste().

The implementation may help you understand the insertFrom() and insertBuffer() functions:

 Boolean TEditor::insertFrom(TEditor *editor)
     return insertBuffer(editor->buffer,
         editor->selEnd - editor->selStart, canUndo, isClipboard());

Note the the `allowUndo' argument is set to the value of the data member canUndo. The `selectText' argument will be True if there is an active clipboard for this editor.

Boolean TEditor::insertText ( const void * text,
uint length,
Boolean selectText )

Copies `length' bytes from the given text into this object's buffer.

If `selectText' is True, the inserted text will be selected. This is a simplified version of insertBuffer().

Boolean TEditor::isClipboard ( )

Returns True if this editor has an attached clipboard; otherwise returns False.

uint TEditor::lineEnd ( uint p )

Returns the buffer pointer (offset) of the end of the line containing the given pointer `p'.

uint TEditor::lineMove ( uint p,
int count )

Moves the line containing the pointer (offset) `p' up or down `count' lines depending on the sign of `count'.

uint TEditor::lineStart ( uint p )

Returns the buffer pointer (offset) of the start of the line contaning the given pointer `p'.

void TEditor::lock ( )

Increments the semaphore lockCount.

void TEditor::newLine ( )

Inserts a newline at the current pointer. If autoIndent is set, appropriate tabs (if needed) are also inserted at the start of the new line.

uint TEditor::nextChar ( uint p )

Returns the buffer offset for the character following the one at the given offset `p'.

uint TEditor::nextLine ( uint p )

Returns the buffer offset for the start of the line following the line containing the given offset `p'.

uint TEditor::nextWord ( uint p )

Returns the buffer offset for the start of the word following the word containing the given offset `p'.

uint TEditor::prevChar ( uint p )

Returns the buffer offset for the character preceding the one at the given offset `p'.

uint TEditor::prevLine ( uint p )

Returns the buffer offset for the start of the line preceding the line containing the given offset `p'.

uint TEditor::prevWord ( uint p )

Returns the buffer offset corresponding to the start of the word preceding the word containing the given offset `p'.

void * TEditor::read ( ipstream & is ) [protected, virtual]

Reads an editor object from the input stream `is'.

Reimplemented from TView.

Reimplemented in TMemo, and TFileEditor.

void TEditor::replace ( )

Replaces occurrences of the existing findStr (or a new user-supplied find string) with the existing replaceStr (or a new user-supplied replace string).

replace() displays an editor dialog inviting the input of both strings or the acceptance of the existing findStr and replaceStr. If new strings are entered, they will replace the previous values (unless the user cancels).

replace() first creates a TReplaceDialogRec object defined as follows:

 struct TReplaceDialogRec
     TReplaceDialogRec(const char *str, const char *rep, ushort flgs)
         strcpy(find, str);
         strcpy(replace, rep);
         options = flgs;
     char find[80];
     char replace[80];
     ushort options;

The constructor is called with `str' and `rep' set to the current findStr and replaceStr, and with `flg' set to the current editorFlags.

The edReplace editor dialog then invites change or acceptance of the two strings.

See also:

Finally, doSearchReplace() is called for a find-replace operation (efDoReplace switched on).

void TEditor::scrollTo ( int x,
int y )

Move column `x' and line `y' to the upper-left corner of the editor.

Boolean TEditor::search ( const char * findStr,
ushort opts )

Search for the given string `findStr' in the editor buffer (starting at curPtr) with the given options in `opts'. The valid options are:

 Name              Value  Description

 efCaseSensitive   0x0001 Case sensitive search
 efWholeWordsOnly  0x0002 Whole words only search

Returns True if a match is found; otherwise returns False. If a match is found, the matching text is selected.

void TEditor::setBufLen ( uint length )

Sets bufLen to `length', then adjusts gapLen and limit accordingly. selStart, selEnd, curPtr, delta.x, delta.y, drawLine, drawPtr, delCount, and insCount are all set to 0.

See also:

curPos is set to delta, modified is set to False, and the view is updated and redrawn as needed.

The TEditor constructor calls setBufLen(0). setBufLen() is also used by insertBuffer().

See also:

Boolean TEditor::setBufSize ( uint newSize ) [virtual]

Should be called before changing the buffer size to `newSize'. It should return True if the the buffer can be of this new size.

By default, it returns True if `newSize' is less than or equal to bufSize.

Reimplemented in TFileEditor.

void TEditor::setCmdState ( ushort command,
Boolean enable )

Enables or disables the given command depending on whether `enable' is True or False and whether the editor is sfActive.

See also:

The command is always disabled if the editor is not the selected view. Offers a convenient alternative to enableCommands() and disableCommands().

void TEditor::setCurPtr ( uint p,
uchar selectMode )

Calls setSelect() and repositions curPtr to the offset `p'. Some adjustments may be made, depending on the value of `selectMode', if curPtr is at the beginning or end of a selected text.

void TEditor::setSelect ( uint newStart,
uint newEnd,
Boolean curStart )

Sets the selection to the given offsets into the file, and redraws the view as needed.

This member function will either place the cursor in front of or behind the selection, depending on the value (True or False, respectively) of `curStart'.

void TEditor::setState ( ushort aState,
Boolean enable ) [virtual]

Overrides TView::setState() to hide and show the indicator and scroll bars.

It first calls TView::setState() to enable and disable commands. If you wish to enable and disable additional commands, override updateCommands() instead. This is called whenever the command states should be updated.

Reimplemented from TView.

void TEditor::shutDown ( ) [virtual]

Used internally by TObject::destroy() to ensure correct destruction of derived and related objects. shutDown() is overridden in many classes to ensure the proper setting of related data members when destroy() is called.

Reimplemented from TView.

Reimplemented in TFileEditor.

void TEditor::startSelect ( )

Called by handleEvent() when a Ctrl-K Ctrl-B selection is detected. Hides the previous selection and sets selecting to True.

void TEditor::toggleInsMode ( )

Toggles the overwrite data member from True to False and from False to True. Changes the cursor shape by calling setState().

void TEditor::trackCursor ( Boolean center )

Forces the cursor to be visible. If `center' is True, the cursor is forced to be in the center of the screen in the y (line) direction. The x (column) position is not changed.

void TEditor::undo ( )

Undoes the changes since the last cursor movement.

void TEditor::unlock ( )

Decrements the data member lockCount until it reaches the value 0, at which point a doUpdate() is triggered. The lock/unlock mechanism prevents over-frequent redrawing of the view.

void TEditor::update ( uchar aFlags )

Sets `aFlags' in the updateFlags data member. If lockCount is 0, calls doUpdate().

void TEditor::updateCommands ( ) [virtual]

Called whenever the commands should be updated. This is used to enable and disable commands such as cmUndo and cmCopy.

Reimplemented in TFileEditor.

Boolean TEditor::valid ( ushort command ) [virtual]

Returns whether the view is valid for the given command. By default it returns the value of isValid, which is True if buffer is not 0.

Reimplemented from TView.

Reimplemented in TFileEditor.

void TEditor::write ( opstream & os ) [protected, virtual]

Writes to the output stream `os'.

Reimplemented from TView.

Reimplemented in TMemo, and TFileEditor.

Member Data Documentation

Boolean TEditor::autoIndent

True if the editor is in autoindent mode.

Definition at line 927 of file editors.h.

uint TEditor::bufLen

The amount of text stored between the start of the buffer and the current cursor position.

Definition at line 852 of file editors.h.

uint TEditor::bufSize

Size of the buffer (in bytes).

Definition at line 847 of file editors.h.

char * TEditor::buffer

Pointer to the buffer used to hold the text.

Definition at line 843 of file editors.h.

Boolean TEditor::canUndo

True if the editor is to support undo. Otherwise False.

Definition at line 910 of file editors.h.

TEditor * TEditor::clipboard [static]

Pointer to the clipboard.

Any TEditor can be the clipboard; it just needs be assigned to this variable. The clipboard should not support undo (i.e., its canUndo should be false).

Definition at line 986 of file editors.h.

TPoint TEditor::curPos

The line/column location of the cursor in the file.

Definition at line 873 of file editors.h.

uint TEditor::curPtr

Offset of the cursor.

Definition at line 869 of file editors.h.

uint TEditor::delCount

Number of characters in the end of the gap that were deleted from the text. Used to implement undo().

Definition at line 897 of file editors.h.

TPoint TEditor::delta

The top line and leftmost column shown in the view.

Definition at line 877 of file editors.h.

int TEditor::drawLine

Column position on the screen where inserted characters are drawn. Used internally by draw().

Definition at line 887 of file editors.h.

uint TEditor::drawPtr

Buffer offset corresponding to the current cursor. Used internally by draw().

Definition at line 892 of file editors.h.

TEditorDialog TEditor::editorDialog [static]

The TEditorDialog data type is a pointer to function returning ushort and taking one int argument and a variable number of additional arguments. It is defined in `editors.h' as follows:

 typedef ushort (*TEditorDialog)(int, ...);

Variable editorDialog is a function pointer used by TEditor objects to display various dialog boxes.

Since dialog boxes are very application-dependent, a TEditor object does not display its own dialog boxes directly. Instead it controls them through this function pointer.

The various dialog values, passed in the first int argument, are self-explanatory: edOutOfMemory, edReadError, edWriteError, edCreateError, edSaveModify, edSaveUntitled, edSaveAs, edFind, edSearchFailed, edReplace and edReplacePrompt.

The default editorDialog, defEditorDialog(), simply returns cmCancel.

Definition at line 953 of file editors.h.

ushort TEditor::editorFlags [static]

Variable editorFlags contains various flags for use in the editor:

 Name              Value  Description

 efCaseSensitive   0x0001 Default to case-sensitive search
 efWholeWordsOnly  0x0002 Default to whole words only search
 efPromptOnReplace 0x0004 Prompt on replace
 efReplaceAll      0x0008 Replace all occurrences
 efDoReplace       0x0010 Do replace
 efBackupFiles     0x0100 Create backup files with a trailing ~ on saves

The default value is efBackupFiles | efPromptOnReplace.

Definition at line 970 of file editors.h.

char TEditor::findStr [static]

Stores the last string value used for a find operation.

Definition at line 974 of file editors.h.

uint TEditor::gapLen

The size of the "gap" between the text before the cursor and the text after the cursor.

Definition at line 857 of file editors.h.

TScrollBar * TEditor::hScrollBar

Pointer to the horizontal scroll bar; 0 if the scroll bar does not exist.

Definition at line 831 of file editors.h.

TIndicator * TEditor::indicator

Pointer to the indicator; 0 if the indicator does not exist.

Definition at line 839 of file editors.h.

uint TEditor::insCount

Number of characters inserted into the text since the last cursor movement. Used to implement undo().

Definition at line 902 of file editors.h.

Boolean TEditor::isValid

True if the view is valid. Used by the valid() function.

Definition at line 906 of file editors.h.

int TEditor::keyState

Indicates that a special key, such as Ctrl-K, has been pressed. Used by handleEvent() to keep track of "double" control keys such as Ctrl-K-H and Ctrl-K-B.

Definition at line 1004 of file editors.h.

TPoint TEditor::limit

The maximum number of columns to display, and the number of lines in the file. Records the limits of the scroll bars.

Definition at line 882 of file editors.h.

uchar TEditor::lockCount

Holds the lock count semaphore that controls when a view is redrawn. lockCount is incremented by lock() and decremented by unlock().

Definition at line 992 of file editors.h.

Boolean TEditor::modified

True if the buffer has been modified.

Definition at line 914 of file editors.h.

const char *const TEditor::name [static]


Reimplemented from TView.

Reimplemented in TMemo, and TFileEditor.

Definition at line 1029 of file editors.h.

Boolean TEditor::overwrite

True if in overwrite mode; otherwise the editor is in insert mode.

Definition at line 923 of file editors.h.

char TEditor::replaceStr [static]

Stores the last string value of a replace operation.

Definition at line 978 of file editors.h.

uint TEditor::selEnd

The offset of the end of the text selected by Ctrl-K Ctrl-K.

Definition at line 865 of file editors.h.

uint TEditor::selStart

The offset of the start of the text selected by Ctrl-K Ctrl-B.

Definition at line 861 of file editors.h.

Boolean TEditor::selecting

True if the editor is in selecting mode (that is, Ctrl-K Ctrl-B has been pressed).

Definition at line 919 of file editors.h.

uchar TEditor::updateFlags

A set of flags indicating the state of the editor. doUpdate() and other member functions examine these flags to determine whether the view needs to be redrawn.

Definition at line 998 of file editors.h.

TScrollBar * TEditor::vScrollBar

Pointer to the vertical scroll bar; 0 if the scroll bar does not exist.

Definition at line 835 of file editors.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Sat Sep 22 20:19:24 2001 for TVision by doxygen1.2.8.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001