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TVision Compound List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
- TApplication (The mother of all applications)
- TBackground (The default desktop background)
- TBufListEntry (Part of the memory manager)
- TButton (The button view)
- CharScanType (Information about a key)
- TChDirDialog (Dialog box used to change the current working directory)
- TCheckBoxes (Cluster of check boxes)
- TCluster (The base class of TCheckBoxes and TRadioButtons)
- TCollection (Streamable collection of items)
- TColorDialog (Viewer used to examine and change the standard palette)
- TColorDisplay (Viewer used to display and select colors)
- TColorGroup (Stores a set of color items)
- TColorGroupList (Implements a scrollable list of named color groups)
- TColorIndex
- TColorItem (Information about a color item)
- TColorItemList (Used to view and select single color items)
- TColorSelector (Color viewer used to display available color selections)
- TCommandSet (Implements a non-view class for handling command sets)
- TCrossRef (Part of the help system)
- TDeskInit (Virtual base class for TDeskTop)
- TDeskTop (The desktop of the application)
- TDialog (A non-growable child of TWindow, usually used as a modal view)
- TDirCollection (Simple TCollection derivative used for storing TDirEntry objects)
- TDirEntry (Simple class providing directory paths and descriptions)
- TDirListBox (Specialized derivative of TListBox for displaying and selecting directories stored in a TDirCollection object)
- TDisplay (Display information)
- TDrawBuffer (Implements a video buffer)
- TEditor (Implements a text editor)
- TEditWindow (Designed to hold a TFileEditor or the clipboard)
- TerminalBuf
- TEvent (Information about events)
- TEventQueue (Information about mouse)
- TFileCollection (Implements a sorted collection of file names)
- TFileDialog (Implements a file dialog box, history pick list, and input line from which file names (including wildcards) can be input, edited, selected, and opened for editing)
- TFileEditor (Specialized derivative of TEditor for editing the contents of a file)
- TFileInfoPane (Implements a simple, streamable view for displaying file information in the owning file dialog box)
- TFileInputLine (Allows the input and editing of file names, including optional paths and wild cards)
- TFileList (Implements a sorted two-column list box of file names; you can select a file name by mouse or keyboard cursor actions)
- TFilterValidator (Check an input field as the user types into it)
- TFindDialogRec
- fLink (Internal structure)
- fpbase (Base class for handling streamable objects on file streams)
- fpstream (Provides the base class for simultaneous writing and reading streamable objects to bidirectional file streams)
- TFrame (The frame around the windows)
- ftime (Stores date and time information about a specified file)
- TGroup (TGroup objects and their derivatives provide the central driving power to TVision)
- THelpFile (Part of the help system)
- THelpIndex (Part of the help system)
- THelpTopic (Part of the help system)
- THelpViewer
- THelpWindow
- THistInit (Virtual base class for THistoryWindow)
- THistory (Implements a pick list of previous entries, actions, or choices from which the user can select a "rerun")
- THistoryViewer (Part of the history list system)
- THistoryWindow (Holds a history list viewer)
- ifpstream (Provides the base class for reading (extracting) streamable objects from file streams)
- TIndicator (The line and column counter in the lower left corner of the edit window)
- TInputLine (Provides a basic input line string editor)
- iopstream (The base class for simultaneous writing and reading streamable objects to and from streams)
- ipstream (The base class for reading (extracting) streamable objects from streams)
- KeyDownEvent (Information about key presses)
- TLabel (Used to attach a label to a view)
- TListBox (Displays a list of items, in one or more columns, with an optional vertical scroll bar)
- TListBoxRec
- TListViewer (An abstract class from which you can derive list viewers of various kinds, such as TListBox)
- TLookupValidator (Compares the string typed by a user with a list of acceptable values)
- TMemo (Derived from TEditor and designed for insertion into a dialog or form)
- TMemoData (Data structure used by TMemo)
- TMenu (A "wrapper" for the various other menu classes, such as TMenuItem, TSubMenu and TMenuView)
- TMenuBar (The horizontal menu bar from which you make menu selections)
- TMenuBox (These objects represent vertical menu boxes)
- TMenuItem (Instances of TMenuItem serve as elements of a menu)
- TMenuPopup (Part of the menu system)
- TMenuView (An abstract base from which menu bar and menu box classes (either pull down or pop up) are derived)
- MessageEvent (Information about message events)
- TMonoSelector (Monochrome color selector)
- MouseEventType (Information about mouse events)
- MsgBoxText (Contains a set of standard message strings)
- TMultiCheckBoxes (Implements a cluster of multistate check boxes)
- TNode (Implements a node of the outline)
- TNSCollection (Handles a non-streamable collection of objects)
- TNSSortedCollection (Handles a non-streamable collection sorted by a key (with or without duplicates))
- TObject (The fundamental class)
- ofpstream (Provides the base class for writing (inserting) streamable objects to file streams)
- opstream (The base class for writing (inserting) streamable objects into streams)
- otstream
- TOutline (Implements a simple outline viewer)
- TOutlineViewer (Implements an outline viewer)
- TPalette (Simple class used to create and manipulate palette arrays)
- TParagraph (Part of the help system)
- TParamText (Shows dynamic, parameterized text in a window)
- TPoint (Two-point screen coordinate)
- TPReadObjects (Maintains a database of all objects that have been read from the current object stream)
- TProgInit (Virtual base class for TProgram)
- TProgram (The mother of TApplication)
- pstream (The base class for handling streamable objects)
- TPWObj (Used internally by TPWrittenObjects)
- TPWrittenObjects (Maintains a database of all objects that have been written to the current object stream)
- TPXPictureValidator (Compare user input with a picture of a data format to determine the validity of entered data)
- TRadioButtons (Cluster of radio buttons)
- TRangeValidator (Determines whether the data typed by a user falls within a designated range of integers)
- TRect (Screen rectangular area)
- TReplaceDialogRec
- TResourceCollection (Implements a sorted, streamable collection of resources)
- TResourceFile (Implements a stream that can be indexed by string keys)
- TResourceItem (Internal structure use by TResourceCollection and TResourceFile)
- TScreen (The interface to the system)
- TScrollBar (Implements a scroll bar)
- TScroller (Provides a scrolling virtual window onto a larger view)
- TSearchRec (Internal structure used by TFileCollection)
- TSItem (Non-view class providing a singly-linked list of character strings)
- TSortedCollection (Sorted, streamable collection of objects)
- TSortedListBox (A base for other list box classes)
- TStaticText (Used to show fixed text in a window)
- TStatusDef (Represents a status line definition used by a TStatusLine view to display context-sensitive status lines)
- TStatusItem (Represents a component of a linked list associated with a TStatusLine view)
- TStatusLine (A specialized view, usually displayed at the bottom of the screen)
- TStreamable (Gives the streamable property to a class)
- TStreamableClass (TStreamableClass is used by TStreamableTypes and pstream in the registration of streamable classes)
- TStreamableTypes (Maintains a database of all registered streamable types used in an application)
- TStrIndexRec (Internal class used by TStringList and TStrListMaker)
- TStringCollection (Implements a sorted list of ASCII strings)
- TStringList (A mechanism for accessing strings stored on a stream)
- TStringLookupValidator (Verifies the data in its associated input line by searching through a collection of valid strings)
- TStrListMaker (Used to create string lists for use with TStringList)
- TSubMenu (Used to differentiate between different types of TMenuItem: individual menu items and submenus)
- TTerminal (Implements a "dumb" terminal with buffered string reads and writes)
- TTextDevice (Scrollable TTY-type text viewer/device driver)
- TValidator (Implements an abstract data validation object)
- TView (The base of all visible objects)
- TVMemMgr (Part of the memory manager)
- TWindow (Implements a window)
- TWindowInit (Virtual base class for TWindow)
Generated at Sat Sep 22 20:19:19 2001 for TVision by written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2001