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00001 /*
00002  * editors.h
00003  *
00004  * Turbo Vision - Version 2.0
00005  *
00006  * Copyright (c) 1994 by Borland International
00007  * All Rights Reserved.
00008  *
00009  * Modified by Sergio Sigala <>
00010  */
00012 #if !defined( __EDIT_COMMAND_CODES )
00013 #define __EDIT_COMMAND_CODES
00019 const
00020   int ufUpdate = 0x01,
00021   ufLine   = 0x02,
00022   ufView   = 0x04;
00024 const
00025   int smExtend = 0x01,
00026   smDouble = 0x02;
00028 const unsigned
00029   sfSearchFailed = UINT_MAX;
00031 const
00032   int cmFind        = 82,
00033   cmReplace     = 83,
00034   cmSearchAgain = 84;
00036 const
00037   int cmCharLeft    = 500,
00038   cmCharRight   = 501,
00039   cmWordLeft    = 502,
00040   cmWordRight   = 503,
00041   cmLineStart   = 504,
00042   cmLineEnd     = 505,
00043   cmLineUp      = 506,
00044   cmLineDown    = 507,
00045   cmPageUp      = 508,
00046   cmPageDown    = 509,
00047   cmTextStart   = 510,
00048   cmTextEnd     = 511,
00049   cmNewLine     = 512,
00050   cmBackSpace   = 513,
00051   cmDelChar     = 514,
00052   cmDelWord     = 515,
00053   cmDelStart    = 516,
00054   cmDelEnd      = 517,
00055   cmDelLine     = 518,
00056   cmInsMode     = 519,
00057   cmStartSelect = 520,
00058   cmHideSelect  = 521,
00059   cmIndentMode  = 522,
00060   cmUpdateTitle = 523;
00065 const int
00066   edOutOfMemory   = 0,
00071   edReadError     = 1,
00076   edWriteError    = 2,
00081   edCreateError   = 3,
00086   edSaveModify    = 4,
00091   edSaveUntitled  = 5,
00096   edSaveAs        = 6,
00101   edFind          = 7,
00106   edSearchFailed  = 8,
00111   edReplace       = 9,
00116   edReplacePrompt = 10;
00122 const int
00123   efCaseSensitive   = 0x0001,
00129   efWholeWordsOnly  = 0x0002,
00135   efPromptOnReplace = 0x0004,
00141   efReplaceAll      = 0x0008,
00147   efDoReplace       = 0x0010,
00153   efBackupFiles     = 0x0100;
00158 const
00159   int maxLineLength = 256;
00161 #endif  // __EDIT_COMMAND_CODES
00178 typedef ushort (*TEditorDialog)( int, ... );
00188 ushort defEditorDialog( int dialog, ... );
00190 #if defined( Uses_TIndicator ) && !defined( __TIndicator )
00191 #define __TIndicator
00193 class TRect;
00203 class TIndicator : public TView
00204 {
00205 public:
00209     TIndicator( const TRect& );
00214     virtual void draw();
00218     virtual TPalette& getPalette() const;
00223     virtual void setState( ushort, Boolean );
00230     void setValue( const TPoint& aLocation, Boolean aModified );
00234     static char dragFrame;
00238     static char normalFrame;
00239 protected:
00243     TPoint location;
00247     Boolean modified;
00248 private:
00249     virtual const char *streamableName() const
00250         { return name; }
00251 protected:
00255     TIndicator( StreamableInit );
00256 public:
00260     static const char * const name;
00264     static TStreamable *build();
00265 };
00270 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TIndicator& cl )
00271     { return is >> (TStreamable&)cl; }
00275 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TIndicator*& cl )
00276     { return is >> (void *&)cl; }
00281 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TIndicator& cl )
00282     { return os << (TStreamable&)cl; }
00286 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TIndicator* cl )
00287     { return os << (TStreamable *)cl; }
00289 #endif  // Uses_TIndicator
00292 #if defined( Uses_TEditor ) && !defined( __TEditor )
00293 #define __TEditor
00295 class TRect;
00296 class TScrollBar;
00297 class TIndicator;
00298 class TEvent;
00308 class TEditor : public TView
00309 {
00310 public:
00347     TEditor( const TRect& bounds, TScrollBar *aHScrollBar,
00348         TScrollBar *aVScrollBar, TIndicator *aIndicator, uint aBufSize );
00354     virtual ~TEditor();
00361     virtual void shutDown();
00365     char bufChar( uint p );
00370     uint bufPtr( uint p );
00378     virtual void changeBounds( const TRect& bounds );
00385     virtual void convertEvent( TEvent& event );
00390     Boolean cursorVisible();
00395     void deleteSelect();
00399     virtual void doneBuffer();
00403     virtual void draw();
00408     virtual TPalette& getPalette() const;
00417     virtual void handleEvent( TEvent& event );
00422     virtual void initBuffer();
00436     Boolean insertBuffer( char *p, uint offset, uint length,
00437         Boolean allowUndo, Boolean selectText );
00460     virtual Boolean insertFrom( TEditor *editor );
00467     Boolean insertText( const void *text, uint length, Boolean selectText );
00471     void scrollTo( int x, int y );
00487     Boolean search( const char *findStr, ushort opts );
00495     virtual Boolean setBufSize( uint newSize );
00505     void setCmdState( ushort command, Boolean enable );
00514     void setSelect( uint newStart, uint newEnd, Boolean curStart );
00524     virtual void setState( ushort aState, Boolean enable );
00530     void trackCursor( Boolean center );
00534     void undo();
00539     virtual void updateCommands();
00545     virtual Boolean valid( ushort command );
00552     uint charPos( uint p, uint target );
00558     uint charPtr( uint p, uint target );
00568     Boolean clipCopy();
00573     void clipCut();
00580     void clipPaste();
00586     void deleteRange( uint startPtr, uint endPtr, Boolean delSelect );
00599     void doUpdate();
00620     void doSearchReplace();
00625     void drawLines( int y, uint count, uint linePtr );
00630     void formatLine(void *buff, uint linePtr, int x, ushort color);
00660     void find();
00665     uint getMousePtr( TPoint m );
00671     Boolean hasSelection();
00678     void hideSelect();
00683     Boolean isClipboard();
00688     uint lineEnd( uint p );
00693     uint lineMove( uint p, int count );
00698     uint lineStart( uint p );
00702     void lock();
00708     void newLine();
00713     uint nextChar( uint p );
00718     uint nextLine( uint p );
00723     uint nextWord( uint p );
00728     uint prevChar( uint p );
00733     uint prevLine( uint p );
00738     uint prevWord( uint p );
00778     void replace();
00793     void setBufLen( uint length );
00799     void setCurPtr( uint p, uchar selectMode );
00804     void startSelect();
00809     void toggleInsMode();
00815     void unlock();
00820     void update( uchar aFlags );
00826     void checkScrollBar( const TEvent& event, TScrollBar *p, int& d );
00831     TScrollBar *hScrollBar;
00835     TScrollBar *vScrollBar;
00839     TIndicator *indicator;
00843     char *buffer;
00847     uint bufSize;
00852     uint bufLen;
00857     uint gapLen;
00861     uint selStart;
00865     uint selEnd;
00869     uint curPtr;
00873     TPoint curPos;
00877     TPoint delta;
00882     TPoint limit;
00887     int drawLine;
00892     uint drawPtr;
00897     uint delCount;
00902     uint insCount;
00906     Boolean isValid;
00910     Boolean canUndo;
00914     Boolean modified;
00919     Boolean selecting;
00923     Boolean overwrite;
00927     Boolean autoIndent;
00953     static TEditorDialog editorDialog;
00970     static ushort editorFlags;
00974     static char findStr[maxFindStrLen];
00978     static char replaceStr[maxReplaceStrLen];
00986     static TEditor * clipboard;
00992     uchar lockCount;
00998     uchar updateFlags;
01004     int keyState;
01005 private:
01006     virtual const char *streamableName() const
01007         { return name; }
01008 protected:
01016     TEditor( StreamableInit );
01020     virtual void write( opstream& os );
01024     virtual void *read( ipstream& is );
01025 public:
01029     static const char * const name;
01033     static TStreamable *build();
01034 };
01039 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TEditor& cl )
01040     { return is >> (TStreamable&)cl; }
01044 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TEditor*& cl )
01045     { return is >> (void *&)cl; }
01050 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TEditor& cl )
01051     { return os << (TStreamable&)cl; }
01055 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TEditor* cl )
01056     { return os << (TStreamable *)cl; }
01058 #endif  // Uses_TEditor
01060 #if defined( Uses_TMemo ) && !defined( __TMemo )
01061 #define __TMemo
01063 class TEvent;
01069 struct TMemoData
01070 {
01074     ushort length;
01078     char buffer[1];
01079 };
01087 class TMemo : public TEditor
01088 {
01089 public:
01094     TMemo( const TRect& bounds, TScrollBar *aHScrollBar,
01095         TScrollBar *aVScrollBar, TIndicator *aIndicator, uint aBufSize );
01096     virtual void getData( void *rec );
01097     virtual void setData( void *rec );
01103     virtual ushort dataSize();
01107     virtual TPalette& getPalette() const;
01113     virtual void handleEvent( TEvent& );
01114 private:
01115     virtual const char *streamableName() const
01116         { return name; }
01117 protected:
01125     TMemo( StreamableInit );
01129     virtual void write( opstream& );
01133     virtual void *read( ipstream& );
01134 public:
01138     static const char * const name;
01142     static TStreamable *build();
01143 };
01148 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TMemo& cl )
01149     { return is >> (TStreamable&)cl; }
01153 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TMemo*& cl )
01154     { return is >> (void *&)cl; }
01159 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TMemo& cl )
01160     { return os << (TStreamable&)cl; }
01164 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TMemo* cl )
01165     { return os << (TStreamable *)cl; }
01167 #endif  // Uses_TMemo
01170 #if defined( Uses_TFileEditor ) && !defined( __TFileEditor )
01171 #define __TFileEditor
01173 #include <limits.h>
01175 class TRect;
01176 class TScrollBar;
01177 class TIndicator;
01178 class TEvent;
01185 class TFileEditor : public TEditor
01186 {
01187 public:
01191     char fileName[PATH_MAX];
01205     TFileEditor( const TRect& bounds,
01206                  TScrollBar *aHScrollBar,
01207                  TScrollBar *aVScrollBar,
01208                  TIndicator *aIndicator,
01209                  const char *aFileName
01210                );
01214     virtual void doneBuffer();
01222     virtual void handleEvent( TEvent& );
01226     virtual void initBuffer();
01234     Boolean loadFile();
01243     Boolean save();
01256     Boolean saveAs();
01266     Boolean saveFile();
01273     virtual Boolean setBufSize( uint newSize );
01277     virtual void shutDown();
01283     virtual void updateCommands();
01294     virtual Boolean valid( ushort );
01295 private:
01296     static const char * backupExt;
01297     virtual const char *streamableName() const
01298         { return name; }
01299 protected:
01307     TFileEditor( StreamableInit );
01311     virtual void write( opstream& );
01315     virtual void *read( ipstream& );
01316 public:
01320     static const char * const name;
01324     static TStreamable *build();
01325 };
01330 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TFileEditor& cl )
01331     { return is >> (TStreamable&)cl; }
01335 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TFileEditor*& cl )
01336     { return is >> (void *&)cl; }
01341 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TFileEditor& cl )
01342     { return os << (TStreamable&)cl; }
01346 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TFileEditor* cl )
01347     { return os << (TStreamable *)cl; }
01349 #endif  // Uses_TFileEditor
01352 #if defined( Uses_TEditWindow ) && !defined( __TEditWindow )
01353 #define __TEditWindow
01355 class TFileEditor;
01366 class TEditWindow : public TWindow
01367 {
01368 public:
01378     TEditWindow( const TRect& bounds, const char *fileName, int aNumber );
01383     virtual void close();
01388     virtual const char *getTitle( short );
01394     virtual void handleEvent( TEvent& event );
01398     virtual void sizeLimits( TPoint& min, TPoint& max );
01402     TFileEditor *editor;
01403 private:
01404     static const char * clipboardTitle;
01405     static const char * untitled;
01406     virtual const char *streamableName() const
01407         { return name; }
01408 protected:
01416     TEditWindow( StreamableInit );
01420     virtual void write( opstream& );
01424     virtual void *read( ipstream& );
01425 public:
01429     static const char * const name;
01433     static TStreamable *build();
01434 };
01439 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TEditWindow& cl )
01440     { return is >> (TStreamable&)cl; }
01444 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TEditWindow*& cl )
01445     { return is >> (void *&)cl; }
01450 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TEditWindow& cl )
01451     { return os << (TStreamable&)cl; }
01455 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TEditWindow* cl )
01456     { return os << (TStreamable *)cl; }
01458 #endif  // Uses_TEditWindow
01461 #if defined( Uses_TFindDialogRec ) && !defined( __TFindDialogRec )
01462 #define __TFindDialogRec
01464 #include <string.h>
01474 struct TFindDialogRec
01475 {
01479     TFindDialogRec( const char *str, ushort flgs )
01480         {
01481         strcpy( find, str );
01482         options = flgs;
01483         }
01487     char find[maxFindStrLen];
01491     ushort options;
01492 };
01494 #endif  // Uses_TFindDialogRec
01496 #if defined( Uses_TReplaceDialogRec ) && !defined( __TReplaceDialogRec )
01497 #define __TReplaceDialogRec
01499 #include <string.h>
01509 struct TReplaceDialogRec
01510 {
01514     TReplaceDialogRec( const char *str, const char *rep, ushort flgs )
01515         {
01516         strcpy( find, str );
01517         strcpy( replace, rep );
01518         options = flgs;
01519         }
01523     char find[maxFindStrLen];
01527     char replace[maxReplaceStrLen];
01531     ushort options;
01532 };
01534 #endif  // Uses_TReplaceDialogRec

Generated at Sat Sep 22 20:19:09 2001 for TVision by doxygen1.2.8.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001