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00001 /*
00002  * stddlg.h
00003  *
00004  * Turbo Vision - Version 2.0
00005  *
00006  * Copyright (c) 1994 by Borland International
00007  * All Rights Reserved.
00008  *
00009  * Modified by Sergio Sigala <>
00010  */
00012 #if !defined( __FILE_CMDS )
00013 #define __FILE_CMDS
00019 const
00021 //  Commands
00023 int cmFileOpen    = 1001,   // Returned from TFileDialog when Open pressed
00024     cmFileReplace = 1002,   // Returned from TFileDialog when Replace pressed
00025     cmFileClear   = 1003,   // Returned from TFileDialog when Clear pressed
00026     cmFileInit    = 1004,   // Used by TFileDialog internally
00027     cmChangeDir   = 1005,   //
00028     cmRevert      = 1006,   // Used by TChDirDialog internally
00029 #ifndef __UNPATCHED
00030     cmDirSelection= 1007,   
00031 #endif
00033 //  Messages
00035     cmFileFocused = 102,    // A new file was focused in the TFileList
00036     cmFileDoubleClicked     // A file was selected in the TFileList
00037             = 103;
00039 #endif  // __FILE_CMDS
00041 #if defined( Uses_TSearchRec ) && !defined( __TSearchRec )
00042 #define __TSearchRec
00044 #include <limits.h>
00046 /* SS: some dos stuff */
00048 #define FA_ARCH         0x01
00049 #define FA_DIREC        0x02
00050 #define FA_RDONLY       0x04
00056 struct  ftime   {
00060     unsigned    ft_tsec  : 5;   /* Two second interval */
00064     unsigned    ft_min   : 6;   /* Minutes */
00068     unsigned    ft_hour  : 5;   /* Hours */
00072     unsigned    ft_day   : 5;   /* Days */
00076     unsigned    ft_month : 4;   /* Months */
00080     unsigned    ft_year  : 7;   /* Year */
00081 };
00088 struct TSearchRec
00089 {
00093     uchar attr;
00097     long time;
00101     long size;
00105     char name[PATH_MAX];
00106 };
00108 #endif  // Uses_TSearchRec
00110 #if defined( Uses_TFileInputLine ) && !defined( __TFileInputLine )
00111 #define __TFileInputLine
00113 class TRect;
00114 class TEvent;
00124 class TFileInputLine : public TInputLine
00125 {
00126 public:
00133     TFileInputLine( const TRect& bounds, short aMaxLen );
00142     virtual void handleEvent( TEvent& event );
00143 private:
00144     virtual const char *streamableName() const
00145         { return name; }
00146 protected:
00150     TFileInputLine( StreamableInit );
00151 public:
00155     static const char * const name;
00159     static TStreamable *build();
00160 };
00165 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TFileInputLine& cl )
00166     { return is >> (TStreamable&)cl; }
00170 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TFileInputLine*& cl )
00171     { return is >> (void *&)cl; }
00176 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TFileInputLine& cl )
00177     { return os << (TStreamable&)cl; }
00181 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TFileInputLine* cl )
00182     { return os << (TStreamable *)cl; }
00184 #endif  // Uses_TFileInputLine
00186 #if defined( Uses_TFileCollection ) && !defined( __TFileCollection )
00187 #define __TFileCollection
00189 class TSearchRec;
00196 class TFileCollection: public TSortedCollection
00197 {
00198 public:
00203     TFileCollection( ccIndex aLimit, ccIndex aDelta) :
00204         TSortedCollection( aLimit, aDelta ) {}
00209     TSearchRec *at( ccIndex index )
00210         { return (TSearchRec *)TSortedCollection::at( index ); }
00215     virtual ccIndex indexOf( TSearchRec *item )
00216         { return TSortedCollection::indexOf( item ); }
00221     void remove( TSearchRec *item )
00222         { TSortedCollection::remove( item ); }
00227     void free( TSearchRec *item )
00228         { TSortedCollection::free( item ); }
00237     void atInsert( ccIndex index, TSearchRec *item )
00238         { TSortedCollection::atInsert( index, item ); }
00242     void atPut( ccIndex index, TSearchRec *item )
00243         { TSortedCollection::atPut( index, item ); }
00251     virtual ccIndex insert( TSearchRec *item )
00252         { return TSortedCollection::insert( item ); }
00257     TSearchRec *firstThat( ccTestFunc Test, void *arg );
00263     TSearchRec *lastThat( ccTestFunc Test, void *arg );
00264 private:
00265     virtual void freeItem( void *item )
00266         { delete (TSearchRec *)item; }
00281     virtual int compare( void *key1, void *key2 );
00285     virtual const char *streamableName() const
00286         { return name; }
00291     virtual void *readItem( ipstream& );
00296     virtual void writeItem( void *, opstream& );
00297 protected:
00301     TFileCollection( StreamableInit ) : TSortedCollection ( streamableInit ) {}
00302 public:
00306     static const char * const name;
00310     static TStreamable *build();
00311 };
00316 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TFileCollection& cl )
00317     { return is >> (TStreamable&)cl; }
00321 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TFileCollection*& cl )
00322     { return is >> (void *&)cl; }
00327 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TFileCollection& cl )
00328     { return os << (TStreamable&)cl; }
00332 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TFileCollection* cl )
00333     { return os << (TStreamable *)cl; }
00335 inline TSearchRec *TFileCollection::firstThat( ccTestFunc func, void *arg )
00336 {
00337     return (TSearchRec *)TSortedCollection::firstThat( ccTestFunc(func), arg );
00338 }
00340 inline TSearchRec *TFileCollection::lastThat( ccTestFunc func, void *arg )
00341 {
00342     return (TSearchRec *)TSortedCollection::lastThat( ccTestFunc(func), arg );
00343 }
00345 #endif  // Uses_TFileCollection
00348 #if defined( Uses_TSortedListBox ) && !defined( __TSortedListBox )
00349 #define __TSortedListBox
00351 class TRect;
00352 class TScrollBar;
00353 class TEvent;
00354 class TSortedCollection;
00362 class TSortedListBox: public TListBox
00363 {
00364 public:
00374     TSortedListBox( const TRect& bounds,
00375                     ushort aNumCols,
00376                     TScrollBar *aScrollBar
00377                   );
00382     virtual void handleEvent( TEvent& event );
00390     void newList( TSortedCollection *aList );
00391 #ifndef __UNPATCHED
00392     void *read( ipstream& is );
00393 #endif
00405     TSortedCollection *list();
00406 protected:
00410     uchar shiftState;
00411 private:
00418     virtual void *getKey( const char *s );
00419     short searchPos;
00420     virtual const char *streamableName() const
00421         { return name; }
00422 protected:
00426     TSortedListBox( StreamableInit ) : TListBox ( streamableInit ) {}
00427 public:
00431     static const char * const name;
00435     static TStreamable *build();
00436 };
00441 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TSortedListBox& cl )
00442     { return is >> (TStreamable&)cl; }
00446 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TSortedListBox*& cl )
00447     { return is >> (void *&)cl; }
00452 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TSortedListBox& cl )
00453     { return os << (TStreamable&)cl; }
00457 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TSortedListBox* cl )
00458     { return os << (TStreamable *)cl; }
00460 inline TSortedCollection *TSortedListBox::list()
00461 {
00462     return (TSortedCollection *)TListBox::list();
00463 }
00465 #endif  // Uses_TSortedListBox
00467 #if defined( Uses_TFileList ) && !defined( __TFileList )
00468 #define __TFileList
00470 class TRect;
00471 class TScrollBar;
00472 class TEvent;
00491 class TFileList : public TSortedListBox
00492 {
00493 public:
00500     TFileList( const TRect& bounds,
00501                TScrollBar *aScrollBar
00502              );
00506     ~TFileList();
00511     virtual void focusItem( short item );
00515     virtual void selectItem( short item );
00521     virtual void getText( char *dest, short item, short maxLen );
00529     void newList( TFileCollection *aList );
00535     void readDirectory( const char *dir, const char *wildCard );
00547     void readDirectory( const char *wildCard );
00551     virtual ushort dataSize();
00555     virtual void getData( void *rec );
00559     virtual void setData( void *rec );
00565     TFileCollection *list();
00566 private:
00567     virtual void *getKey( const char *s );
00568     static const char * tooManyFiles;
00569     virtual const char *streamableName() const
00570         { return name; }
00571 protected:
00575     TFileList( StreamableInit ) : TSortedListBox ( streamableInit ) {}
00576 public:
00580     static const char * const name;
00584     static TStreamable *build();
00585 };
00590 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TFileList& cl )
00591     { return is >> (TStreamable&)cl; }
00595 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TFileList*& cl )
00596     { return is >> (void *&)cl; }
00601 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TFileList& cl )
00602     { return os << (TStreamable&)cl; }
00606 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TFileList* cl )
00607     { return os << (TStreamable *)cl; }
00609 inline void TFileList::newList( TFileCollection *f )
00610 {
00611     TSortedListBox::newList( f );
00612 }
00614 inline TFileCollection *TFileList::list()
00615 {
00616     return (TFileCollection *)TSortedListBox::list();
00617 }
00619 #endif  // Uses_TFileList
00622 #if defined( Uses_TFileInfoPane ) && !defined( __TFileInfoPane )
00623 #define __TFileInfoPane
00625 class TRect;
00626 class TEvent;
00634 class TFileInfoPane : public TView
00635 {
00636 public:
00644     TFileInfoPane( const TRect& bounds );
00649     virtual void draw();
00653     virtual TPalette& getPalette() const;
00659     virtual void handleEvent( TEvent& event );
00660 private:
00677     TSearchRec file_block;
00678     static const char * const months[13];
00679     static const char * pmText;
00680     static const char * amText;
00681     virtual const char *streamableName() const
00682         { return name; }
00683 protected:
00687     TFileInfoPane( StreamableInit ) : TView ( streamableInit ) {}
00688 public:
00692     static const char * const name;
00696     static TStreamable *build();
00697 };
00702 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TFileInfoPane& cl )
00703     { return is >> (TStreamable&)cl; }
00707 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TFileInfoPane*& cl )
00708     { return is >> (void *&)cl; }
00713 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TFileInfoPane& cl )
00714     { return os << (TStreamable&)cl; }
00718 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TFileInfoPane* cl )
00719     { return os << (TStreamable *)cl; }
00721 #endif  // Uses_TFileInfoPane
00723 #if defined( Uses_TFileDialog ) && !defined( __TFileDialog )
00724 #define __TFileDialog
00726 const
00727     int fdOKButton  = 0x0001,      // Put an OK button in the dialog
00728     fdOpenButton    = 0x0002,      // Put an Open button in the dialog
00729     fdReplaceButton = 0x0004,      // Put a Replace button in the dialog
00730     fdClearButton   = 0x0008,      // Put a Clear button in the dialog
00731     fdHelpButton    = 0x0010,      // Put a Help button in the dialog
00732     fdNoLoadDir     = 0x0100;      // Do not load the current directory
00733                                    // contents into the dialog at Init.
00734                                    // This means you intend to change the
00735                                    // WildCard by using SetData or store
00736                                    // the dialog on a stream.
00738 class TEvent;
00739 class TFileInputLine;
00740 class TFileList;
00762 class TFileDialog : public TDialog
00763 {
00764 public:
00806     TFileDialog( const char *aWildCard, const char *aTitle,
00807                  const char *inputName, ushort aOptions, uchar histId );
00811     ~TFileDialog();
00815     virtual void getData( void *rec );
00822     void getFileName( char *s );
00830     virtual void handleEvent( TEvent& event );
00834     virtual void setData( void *rec );
00845     virtual Boolean valid( ushort command );
00853     virtual void shutDown();
00857     TFileInputLine *fileName;
00861     TFileList *fileList;
00865     char wildCard[PATH_MAX];
00869     const char *directory;
00870 private:
00871     void readDirectory();
00872     Boolean checkDirectory( const char * );
00873     static const char * filesText;
00874     static const char * openText;
00875     static const char * okText;
00876     static const char * replaceText;
00877     static const char * clearText;
00878     static const char * cancelText;
00879     static const char * helpText;
00880     static const char * invalidDriveText;
00881     static const char * invalidFileText;
00882     virtual const char *streamableName() const
00883         { return name; }
00884 protected:
00888     TFileDialog( StreamableInit ) : TDialog ( streamableInit ),
00889         TWindowInit( TFileDialog::initFrame ) {}
00893     virtual void write( opstream& os );
00897     virtual void *read( ipstream& is );
00898 public:
00902     static const char * const name;
00906     static TStreamable *build();
00907 };
00912 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TFileDialog& cl )
00913     { return is >> (TStreamable&)cl; }
00917 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TFileDialog*& cl )
00918     { return is >> (void *&)cl; }
00923 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TFileDialog& cl )
00924     { return os << (TStreamable&)cl; }
00928 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TFileDialog* cl )
00929     { return os << (TStreamable *)cl; }
00931 #endif  // Uses_TFileDialog
00934 #if defined( Uses_TDirEntry ) && !defined( __TDirEntry )
00935 #define __TDirEntry
00943 class TDirEntry
00944 {
00945 public:
00949     TDirEntry( const char *, const char * );
00953     ~TDirEntry();
00958     char *dir() { return directory; }
00963     char *text() { return displayText; }
00964 private:
00965     char *displayText;
00966     char *directory;
00967 };
00969 inline TDirEntry::TDirEntry( const char *txt, const char *dir ) :
00970     displayText( newStr( txt ) ), directory( newStr( dir ) )
00971 {
00972 }
00974 inline TDirEntry::~TDirEntry()
00975 {
00976     delete displayText;
00977     delete directory;
00978 }
00980 #endif  // Uses_TDirEntry
00982 #if defined( Uses_TDirCollection ) && !defined( __TDirCollection )
00983 #define __TDirCollection
00985 class TDirEntry;
00995 class TDirCollection : public TCollection
00996 {
00997 public:
01002     TDirCollection( ccIndex aLimit, ccIndex aDelta) :
01003         TCollection( aLimit, aDelta ) {}
01009     TDirEntry *at( ccIndex index )
01010         { return (TDirEntry *)TCollection::at( index );}
01015     virtual ccIndex indexOf( TDirEntry *item )
01016         { return TCollection::indexOf( item ); }
01022     void remove( TDirEntry *item )
01023         { TCollection::remove( item ); }
01029     void free( TDirEntry *item )
01030         { TCollection::free( item ); }
01038     void atInsert( ccIndex index, TDirEntry *item )
01039         { TCollection::atInsert( index, item ); }
01044     void atPut( ccIndex index, TDirEntry *item )
01045         { TCollection::atPut( index, item ); }
01052     virtual ccIndex insert( TDirEntry *item )
01053         { return TCollection::insert( item ); }
01058     TDirEntry *firstThat( ccTestFunc Test, void *arg );
01065     TDirEntry *lastThat( ccTestFunc Test, void *arg );
01066 private:
01067     virtual void freeItem( void *item )
01068         { delete (TDirEntry *)item; }
01069     virtual const char *streamableName() const
01070         { return name; }
01080     virtual void *readItem( ipstream& );
01090     virtual void writeItem( void *, opstream& );
01091 protected:
01095     TDirCollection( StreamableInit ) : TCollection ( streamableInit ) {}
01096 public:
01100     static const char * const name;
01104     static TStreamable *build();
01105 };
01110 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TDirCollection& cl )
01111     { return is >> (TStreamable&)cl; }
01115 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TDirCollection*& cl )
01116     { return is >> (void *&)cl; }
01121 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TDirCollection& cl )
01122     { return os << (TStreamable&)cl; }
01126 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TDirCollection* cl )
01127     { return os << (TStreamable *)cl; }
01129 inline TDirEntry *TDirCollection::firstThat( ccTestFunc func, void *arg )
01130 {
01131     return (TDirEntry *)TCollection::firstThat( ccTestFunc(func), arg );
01132 }
01134 inline TDirEntry *TDirCollection::lastThat( ccTestFunc func, void *arg )
01135 {
01136     return (TDirEntry *)TCollection::lastThat( ccTestFunc(func), arg );
01137 }
01139 #endif  // Uses_TDirCollection
01142 #if defined( Uses_TDirListBox ) && !defined( __TDirListBox )
01143 #define __TDirListBox
01145 class TRect;
01146 class TScrollBar;
01147 class TEvent;
01148 class TDirCollection;
01159 class TDirListBox : public TListBox
01160 {
01161 public:
01167     TDirListBox( const TRect& bounds, TScrollBar *aScrollBar );
01172     ~TDirListBox();
01176     virtual void getText( char *dest, short item, short maxLen );
01184 //    virtual void handleEvent( TEvent& );
01188     virtual Boolean isSelected( short item );
01192     virtual void selectItem( short item );
01199     void newDirectory( const char *aList );
01203     virtual void setState( ushort aState, Boolean enable );
01208     TDirCollection *list();
01212     static const char * pathDir;
01216     static const char * firstDir;
01220     static const char * middleDir;
01224     static const char * lastDir;
01228     static const char * graphics;
01229 private:
01230     void showDrives( TDirCollection * );
01231     void showDirs( TDirCollection * );
01232     char dir[PATH_MAX];
01233     ushort cur;
01234     static const char * drives;
01235     virtual const char *streamableName() const
01236         { return name; }
01237 protected:
01241     TDirListBox( StreamableInit ): TListBox( streamableInit ) {}
01242 public:
01246     static const char * const name;
01250     static TStreamable *build();
01251 };
01256 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TDirListBox& cl )
01257     { return is >> (TStreamable&)cl; }
01261 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TDirListBox*& cl )
01262     { return is >> (void *&)cl; }
01267 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TDirListBox& cl )
01268     { return os << (TStreamable&)cl; }
01272 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TDirListBox* cl )
01273     { return os << (TStreamable *)cl; }
01275 inline TDirCollection *TDirListBox::list()
01276 {
01277     return (TDirCollection *)TListBox::list();
01278 }
01280 #endif  // Uses_TDirListBox
01282 #if defined( Uses_TChDirDialog ) && !defined( __TChDirDialog )
01283 #define __TChDirDialog
01285 const
01286     int cdNormal = 0x0000, // Option to use dialog immediately
01287     cdNoLoadDir  = 0x0001, // Option to init the dialog to store on a stream
01288     cdHelpButton = 0x0002; // Put a help button in the dialog
01290 class TEvent;
01291 class TInputLine;
01292 class TDirListBox;
01293 class TButton;
01326 class TChDirDialog : public TDialog
01327 {
01328 public:
01329     friend class TDirListBox;
01367     TChDirDialog( ushort aOptions, ushort histId );
01376     virtual ushort dataSize();
01385     virtual void getData( void *rec );
01393     virtual void handleEvent( TEvent& );
01402     virtual void setData( void *rec );
01412     virtual Boolean valid( ushort command );
01427     virtual void shutDown();
01428 private:
01429     void setUpDialog();
01430     TInputLine *dirInput;
01431     TDirListBox *dirList;
01432     TButton *okButton;
01433     TButton *chDirButton;
01434     static const char * changeDirTitle;
01435     static const char * dirNameText;
01436     static const char * dirTreeText;
01437     static const char * okText;
01438     static const char * chdirText;
01439     static const char * revertText;
01440     static const char * helpText;
01441     static const char * drivesText;
01442     static const char * invalidText;
01443     virtual const char *streamableName() const
01444         { return name; }
01445 protected:
01451     TChDirDialog( StreamableInit ) : TDialog( streamableInit ),
01452         TWindowInit( TChDirDialog::initFrame ) {}
01457     virtual void write( opstream& os );
01462     virtual void *read( ipstream& is );
01463 public:
01467     static const char * const name;
01473     static TStreamable *build();
01474 };
01479 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TChDirDialog& cl )
01480     { return is >> (TStreamable&)cl; }
01484 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TChDirDialog*& cl )
01485     { return is >> (void *&)cl; }
01490 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TChDirDialog& cl )
01491     { return os << (TStreamable&)cl; }
01495 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TChDirDialog* cl )
01496     { return os << (TStreamable *)cl; }
01498 #endif  // Uses_TChDirDialog

Generated at Sat Sep 22 20:19:12 2001 for TVision by doxygen1.2.8.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001