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00001 /*
00002  * outline.h
00003  *
00004  * Turbo Vision - Version 2.0
00005  *
00006  * Copyright (c) 1994 by Borland International
00007  * All Rights Reserved.
00008  *
00009  * Modified by Sergio Sigala <>
00010  */
00012 #if defined( Uses_TOutlineViewer ) && !defined( __TOutlineViewer )
00013 #define __TOutlineViewer
00019 const int
00020   ovExpanded = 0x01,
00021   ovChildren = 0x02,
00022   ovLast     = 0x04;
00024 const int
00025   cmOutlineItemSelected = 301;
00033 class TNode
00034 {
00035 public:
00039     inline TNode(char* aText);
00045     inline TNode(char* aText, TNode* aChildren, TNode* aNext,
00046         Boolean initialState = True);
00050     virtual ~TNode();
00055     TNode* next;
00060     char* text;
00065     TNode* childList;
00070     Boolean expanded;
00071 };
00073 inline TNode::TNode(char* aText) :
00074     next(0), text(newStr(aText)), childList(0), expanded(True)
00075 {
00076 }
00078 inline TNode::TNode( char* aText, TNode* aChildren,
00079                      TNode* aNext, Boolean initialState ) :
00080     next(aNext), text(newStr(aText)),
00081     childList(aChildren), expanded(initialState)
00082 {
00083 }
00085 inline TNode::~TNode() {
00086   delete [] text;
00087 }
00089 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00090 /*      class TOutlineViewer                                               */
00091 /*                                                                         */
00092 /*      Palette layout                                                     */
00093 /*        1 = Normal color                                                 */
00094 /*        2 = Focus color                                                  */
00095 /*        3 = Select color                                                 */
00096 /*        4 = Not expanded color                                           */
00097 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00099 class TRect;
00100 class TScrollBar;
00101 class TEvent;
00112 class TOutlineViewer : public TScroller
00113 {
00114 public:
00121     TOutlineViewer(const TRect& bounds, TScrollBar* aHScrollBar,
00122         TScrollBar* aVScrollBar);
00129     TOutlineViewer(StreamableInit s);
00137     virtual void adjust(TNode* node, Boolean expand)=0;
00145     virtual void draw();
00151     virtual void focused(int i);
00160     virtual TNode* getChild(TNode* node, int i)=0;
00170     virtual char* getGraph(int level, long lines, ushort flags);
00177     virtual int getNumChildren(TNode* node)=0;
00182     virtual TNode* getNode(int i);
00186     virtual TPalette& getPalette() const;
00191     virtual TNode* getRoot()=0;
00196     virtual char* getText(TNode* node)=0;
00203     virtual void handleEvent(TEvent& event);
00215     virtual Boolean hasChildren(TNode* node)=0;
00222     virtual Boolean isExpanded(TNode* node)=0;
00229     virtual Boolean isSelected(int i);
00237     virtual void selected(int i);
00245     virtual void setState(ushort aState, Boolean enable);
00260     void update();
00266     void expandAll(TNode* node);
00279     TNode* firstThat(Boolean (*test)(TOutlineViewer* ov, TNode* node,
00280         int level, int position, long lines, ushort flags));
00316     TNode* forEach(Boolean (*action)(TOutlineViewer* ov, TNode* cur, int level,
00317         int position, long lines, ushort flags));
00321     char* createGraph(int level, long lines, ushort flags, int levWidth,
00322         int endWidth, const char* chars);
00326     int foc;
00330     static const char* graphChars;
00331 protected:
00335     static void disposeNode(TNode* node);
00339     virtual void write( opstream& os );
00343     virtual void *read( ipstream& is );
00344 public:
00348     static TStreamable *build();
00352     static const char * const name;
00353 private:
00354     void adjustFocus(int newFocus);
00355     TNode* iterate(Boolean (*action)(TOutlineViewer*, TNode*, int, int, long,
00356         ushort), Boolean checkResult);
00357 };
00359 inline TOutlineViewer::TOutlineViewer( StreamableInit s) :
00360     TScroller(s)
00361 {
00362 }
00364 #endif // Uses_TOutlineViewer
00366 #if defined( Uses_TOutline ) && !defined( __TOutline )
00367 #define __TOutline
00369 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00370 /*      class TOutline                                                     */
00371 /*                                                                         */
00372 /*      Palette layout                                                     */
00373 /*        1 = Normal color                                                 */
00374 /*        2 = Focus color                                                  */
00375 /*        3 = Select color                                                 */
00376 /*        4 = Not expanded color                                           */
00377 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00379 class TRect;
00380 class TScrollBar;
00381 class TEvent;
00392 class TOutline : public TOutlineViewer
00393 {
00394 public:
00402     TOutline(const TRect& bounds, TScrollBar* aHScrollBar,
00403         TScrollBar* aVScrollBar, TNode* aRoot);
00409     ~TOutline();
00415     virtual void adjust(TNode* node, Boolean expand);
00420     virtual TNode* getRoot();
00425     virtual int getNumChildren(TNode* node);
00429     virtual TNode* getChild(TNode* node, int i);
00433     virtual char* getText(TNode* node);
00437     virtual Boolean isExpanded(TNode* node);
00442     virtual Boolean hasChildren(TNode* node);
00446     TNode* root;
00447 protected:
00451     virtual void write( opstream& os );
00455     virtual void *read( ipstream& is );
00459     virtual void writeNode( TNode*, opstream& );
00463     virtual TNode* readNode( ipstream& );
00470     TOutline( StreamableInit );
00471 public:
00475     static TStreamable* build();
00479     static const char* const name;
00480 private:
00481     virtual const char *streamableName() const
00482         { return name; }
00483 };
00485 inline TOutline::TOutline( StreamableInit s ) : TOutlineViewer( s )
00486 {
00487 }
00492 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TOutline& o )
00493     { return is >> (TStreamable&)o; }
00497 inline ipstream& operator >> ( ipstream& is, TOutline*& o )
00498     { return is >> (void *&)o; }
00503 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TOutline& o )
00504     { return os << (TStreamable&)o; }
00508 inline opstream& operator << ( opstream& os, TOutline* o )
00509     { return os << (TStreamable*)o; }
00511 #endif // Uses_TOutline

Generated at Sat Sep 22 20:19:11 2001 for TVision by doxygen1.2.8.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001