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A selection of free tools for Windows developing
This is a list of tools I used under Windows to develop my applications FX-Repton and FX-Zacman (excluding wxWidgets).
- C/C++ compiler: GNU CC. I suggest to use the MinGW version of this compiler, witch output interfaces with the standard Windows DLL libraries (read: good generated code quality, small executable sizes).
- Developing environment: Dev-C++. The standard distribution already includes the MinGW compiler. Many optionals packages, like the SDL library, are available and can be easily installed.
- GUI Toolkit for cross compiling: FOX Toolkit or wxWidgets.
- FOX is a free, lightweight, fast, and clean toolkit useful to make the same code running under Windows and UNIX/X-Window (requires only a recompilation). A precompiled FOX package is available below;
- wxWidgets is a complete, free multiplatform library, supporting UNIX/Windows/Mac-OS and embedded devices.
- Graphics:
- for generating 3D scenes, the POV-Ray raytracer;
- for editing bitmaps, the GIMP image manipulation program;
- for editing vector graphics, Inkscape.
- Windows resources editing:
- for editing icons, PC Magazine's IconEdit32 (see the PC Magazine site or get a copy from this address);
- for editing resources, Resource Hacker.
- If you want, you might compress the final executables using the UPX executable packer.
- Installation distribution: the Inno Setup Compiler.
FOX Toolkit packages
Prebuilt package for Dev-C++
WARNING: this package is old, outdated and no more works under the latest versions of Dev-C++.
I will make a new release shortly!
[sig] (Last updated: 2003-07-05) This is a prebuilt a Dev-C++ package that includes the FOX library 1.1.30 and the documentation (tested with the Dev-C++ and GCC 3.2).
To start a FOX project, simply select "New project", choose the "FOX Application" template from the "GUI" category and modify the created skeleton application.
Prebuilt package for MSVC 6/7 and Intel
Please follow this link.
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